Frequently Asked Questions

  • • The KonMari Method® is not about discarding, it's focused on guiding you through your journey of discovering and keeping the items you love ~ that spark joy, and will align with the ideal lifestyle you have envisioned.

    • We declutter first and buy organising products later, if at all.

    • We tidy by category, not by room. There are five categories: Clothing, Books, Paper, Komono (miscellaneous), and Sentimental. So you have a roadmap.

  • A Tidying Festival is a once in a lifetime event that will leave you with a clutter free, organised space that is easier to maintain. Melinda will work with you to apply the principles of the KonMari Method® to your home through a series of hands on Tidying Sessions, where we work together to sort through all of your belongings according to the 5 KonMari® categories (clothes, books, paper, miscellaneous and sentimental items). Firstly, we focus on identifying and keeping only the items that spark joy for you, then we work on storing and organising everything so its easy for you to access and maintain your living space. These lessons will provide the guidance and support you need to transform your home in to a space of joy. .

    As this process is highly personalized, there are various packages and options available designed on the level of support you need to complete your home transformation.  Choose a Festival Package and you are rewarded with a discount.

  • This program will be a good fit for you if:

    • if you are ready to commit to follow the KonMari™ Method and commit to a series of hands-on KonMari® tidying lessons

    • You want to change your mindset and learn to live more mindfully and joyfully

    • You want to organise your home once and for all in the most efficient way and learn the tools you need to maintain your space

    • You want to free up your time to do the things that will bring you joy and live your best life

    • You're ready to invest in yourself to experience the life-changing magic of tidying up

  • No. The KonMari Method™ is a deeply personal process based on what brings you joy and your ideal lifestyle. Only you can determine what sparks joy. This is why we need to work closely together throughout the process. If I organised your space without you, it would just be a short-term fix and would not last in the long run.

    It is also important to note that tidying requires concentration and works best when we are working one on one. It is therefore strongly advised that family members/children/ others you may share a home with and pets should not be present when a session is taking place.

  • In this modern world, we often lead complex and busy lives. There are many life events or changes that mean that some people need some help to declutter and organise their home. Tidying can be overwhelming, and motivation can flag. Working with a KonMari professional is like having a supportive friend to walk you through the process. We offer suggestions when you get stuck and keep you on track, motivated and moving. Think of us as your accountability coach. And we have a lot of fun along the way!

  • LLO services the Launceston region. I can also travel to any other region across Tasmania, however this will incur travel costs. Please contact to discuss options.

  • You begin with a free consultation via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime, which lasts up to 30 minutes. You will be asked questions about your home, your ideal living situation, any challenges and what you would hope to achieve from our working together. It is your chance to ask any questions you may have, and to work out whether this method is suitable for you. Following our consultation, should you wish to book a Tidying Session, you are able to do so through the Services page on this website.

  • This is a very difficult question to answer. The cost depends on the level of support you need to complete your home transformation and the number of lessons based on your own preferences, budget and organising goals. Other factors include:

    • The size of your home and the number of possessions you have

    • Your pace in determining what ‘sparks joy’ how quickly you can make decisions about what you want to keep

    • whether you continue on your own doing assigned homework in between lessons.

    • How much time you have to commit to tidying

    During our initial consultation, we can discuss some options based on your organizing goals and budget. You can see a list of my packages on my website..

    It is not always possible however to give an accurate estimate and jobs may require more sessions/hours than initially thought depending on a variety of factors as each job and client is unique. We will continue to review at each tidying session.

  • Typically one session will range from three to five hours. This is generally enough time to see significant progress in any one category and very few comprehensive organising projects can be completed in less than three hours. Furthermore, energy levels can often drop after five hours.

    Sessions can last longer than five hours for an additional hourly fee, as detailed in the Services page.

  • There is no need to do any preparation before the first session. It is best that we can see your home in its natural state. Sometimes, to make the most of your time with me, some categories may benefit from prior preparation. For example, when completing the clothes category, gathering all of your clothes in one place and organising the items into a pile before the session means we can start the session immediately. Guidance on this will be supplied via email in advance of your session.

  • This is part of the method and we highly recommend it (and we are sure you wont regret it). The KonMari Method® is all about learning what sparks joy, and our clothing helps us figure that out very quickly. We wear our clothes every day, and most of us have way too much for one person! You will achieve a great sense of achievement on completing Clothing and will be excited to move on to the next Categories.

  • No. The decision to keep or discard an item is entirely yours. I only guide you to help you determine what sparks joy in your life.

  • There is no need to buy storage solutions ahead of our time together, and in fact we strongly encourage you don’t. During the joy check (decluttering) process, all storage is considered temporary until we finish all categories. Quite often, we create a lot of space and we are also able to use what you already have for storage. When additional items are needed, suggestions can be provided.

  • This is a very common concern. Everyone’s journey is special and personal. We will be focusing on just your own things, and what you have responsibility for. We will not organise another person’s belongings while working on your festival. The positive impact of using the KonMari Method® can be very inspiring and contagious! And once you have completed your own tidying festival, you will also be equipped with the knowledge and skills to help your family

  • Disposal of your discarded items are up to your own preferences. At the end of the lesson, I can help you load the discarded items into your car. I will be able to provide you with a list of places to donate your unwanted good quality items as well as other environmentally friendly options. Some of your items may be suitable for resale and I can also provide guidance in this area

  • No. I teach you how to create beautiful, organised and easy to maintain spaces. I will motivate you during your tidying journey and teach you the skills needed to create a home which stays organised.

  • I can accept Pay Pal or bank transfer payments.

  • Yes. I am a Certified KonMari Consultant and can be found on their official website.

    I am a member of the Institute of Professional Organisers and can be found on their website.


  • Yes, remarkably it will! The reason the KonMari method is so popular is because of its success in transforming homes and lives. This process will cause you to confront yourself and truly explore what it is that makes you happy in every aspect of your life.. This is why Marie Kondo titled her first book, ‘The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up’ When you only surround yourself with items that spark joy, and let go of the rest, your home looks and feels more spacious and organised. This frees you up, and gives you the energy to do the things you love in life.


Have a question that hasn’t been answered – please feel free to get in touch.